
Welcome to the Minnesota Air Medical Council website!

Here you will find helpful information about our mission, valuable safety information, Member organizations, and the air medical industry.

The MNAMC is organized and dedicated to discussion, research, support, and collaboration on issues and topics of mutual interest in air medical transport with an emphasis on operational safety, quality clinical care, and other areas of interest.

MNAMC Members; Life Link III, Mayo Clinic Medical Transport, and Sanford AirMed; are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS). CAMTS is a peer-review organization dedicated to improving patient care and transport safety by providing a dynamic accreditation process through the development of standards, education and services that support our vision.

MNAMC Member; North Memorial Air Care is accredited by the National Accreditation Alliance Medical Transport Applications (NAAMTA). NAAMTA is a new accreditation standard bearer for the medical transport industry, offering procedures that include guidelines for developing a quality management system focusing on transport safety, patient care, and continuous improvement.



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February 27, 2012

Safety Enhanced With Use of Weather Turndown Website

Weather Turndown is a service provided by AirMed International, designed to foster open communication between air medical programs, being a valuable online data collection system for flight programs across the United States.  From a regional perspective, Life Link III and the other members of the Minnesota Air Medical Council are working together to optimize the use of the system to enhance flight safety.  

During the flight planning process, Weather Turndown can be accessed by pilots to supplement their weather information to make a “go/no-go” decision based on data entered from other flight programs.  For instance, when a pilot from another program declines a flight due to icing, other pilots can safely assume that icing is present based on the other pilot’s observation.  In a sense, pilots can collaborate indirectly to help avoid unintended encounters with unsafe flight conditions.

In January 2012, the voting Members of the Minnesota Air Medical Council heard a proposal made by Ed Eroe, CEO of Life Link III, to form an ad hoc work group made up of Member flight program representatives.  This group is currently working together to standardize useful  information required by end users (Pilots and Communications Specialists) and ensure that consistent, valuable information is applied by all organizations.  Members designated at least two participants, including representatives in flight operations and communications.

We are excited to also have member programs from Wisconsin participate in the work group, which is a tribute to the dedication and commitment between the two Councils.